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Foto: Daniela Matenaar, HLMD

Species monitoring in the "Griesheimer Düne"

In order to preserve and protect biodiversity in a sustainable way, it is essential, to not only describe the species, but to know their distribution and ecological requirements. For this purpose, species monitoring is carried out in order to document the population trends. In recent years, many online nature platforms have been created that can also be used by the public. Data gained through this sort of citizen science contribute to research and nature conservation projects worldwide, as detailed distribution maps, and precise population development of the species can be derived. These findings contribute to the choice and application of preservation measures and provide impetus for further research projects. The FFH area and nature reserve “Griesheimer Düne und Eichenwäldchen” is located in close proximity to the HLMD and, as an inland dune, represents a special landscape for Germany with the last remaining populations of typical sand steppe plant species. This special habitat harbors, inter alia, many specialized Orthoptera species, some of which have become very rare. Species and populations trends of the Dune’s Orthoptera assemblage are now evaluated by using the combined data set of our own surveys and the online nature platform

Responsible for the project at the Landesmuseum:

Dr. Daniela Matenaar

Landschaftsaufnahme der »Griesheimer Düne«. Foto: Daniela Matenaar, HLMD

Project partners

Die Haupthalle im Eingangsbereich des Hessischen Landesmuseums

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